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Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

HFC Uganda Update: Thank you and new videos online!

After many years of running Hackers for Charity in Uganda, who would have thought that a virus would have caused so much havoc in 2020? It's quite impressive that we have taught thousands of children [...]

In The Press

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

On-Going Research

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

HFC Uganda Update: Thank you and new videos online!

After many years of running Hackers for Charity in Uganda, who would have thought that a virus would have caused so much havoc in 2020? It's quite impressive that we have taught thousands of children [...]

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