Hackers? For Charity?

In general, a hacker is “a skilled computer expert that uses their technical knowledge to creatively overcome a problem”. We are hackers (most of us security experts) that use our superpowers to make the world a better place. We highlight projects and acts of service and help flatten the learning curve so you can join us.
Recent Stories
Empowering our neighbors with hands-on computer training at the CTC
The YMCA (“Young Men’s Christian Association") College of Business Studies, Jinja Uganda branch was started in 1962, the year of Uganda's independence. It is located in jinja town, along Jinja-Kampala Highway, across from the Crested Crane Hotel and Tourism Training Institute. This [...]
Training Center graduate Jessica finds employment in Jinja, Uganda
What an amazing story! I don't have words. It's better to tell it in the words of our local Uganda staff. Here's the full update from our team in Jinja: NAGAI JESSICA AS SUCESSFUL YOUNG LADY FROM SLUMS. Nagayi Jessicawas born to unknown [...]
DerbyCon VIII (2018) Wrap-up
As always, and amazing conference that's much more like a family reunion.
Iganga Senior Secondary Robotics Club Seven years after our first install!
This is an interesting post to write because we set up the computer lab at Iganga Senior Secondary in Uganda way back in 2011! Check out that post here. We've come back to Iganga SS seven years later, and found the lab in [...]
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