I wanted to use Kickstarter to raise some money to fly to DEFCON., but that failed. I still don’t understand their response. The winning line was, “Ideally, our platform is a tool to fund creative output from an experience — not the experience itself.” I guess I’m missing the point of kickstarter.
And I’m admittedly bitter when I see approved kickstarters for $5,000 parties to watch the movie Hackers, (regardless of the add-on EFF fundraiser) poor student Thesis films, buying some random guy a camera, and albums from groups whose acronym will even make your granny blush (FYKMA).
I mean I just wanted to sell some T-Shirts, which seems reasonable considering the Grace Jones doesn’t Give a F$% shirt, the “I’m with Genius” shirt and the “This is not a kickstarter” shirt, all approved by Kickstarter, but no dice. They rejected the idea. I mean, ‘cmon. This kickstarter is just a T-Shirt sale, so what the heck?
Whatever. I’ll submit again, just to advertise T-shirts, and see what happens.
In the meantime, look to a future post for my own ghetto attempt to do the same thing.
Yeah, kickstarter seems to be the incorrect name for it, should be more artsupporter or the like. Every time I see them interviewed anywhere though, they fail to mention that it has to involve art. It would otherwise be a great website. Well that and you basically have no guarantee you’ll get anything, or that the project will ever be started. You may be able to force their hand with this though: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/zan/bring-lgbt-comics-creators-to-san-diego
Bringing comic artists to a con. Though I’m sure since a comic is art, that is why they accepted it.