We have trained thousands of students in our HFC Uganda CTC and many have found computer-related jobs. Some even go on to become technology instructors themselves. In some very rare cases, we find students that possess rare talent, passion and people skills who want to join as CTC instructors. This is one such story. Jackline is so passionate about teaching that she’s volunteering as an instructor. That’s what I call passion. Our hope is to raise the funds (about $600) to bring her on as a paid Junior Instructor. Read on. I really love Jackline’s story. -Johnny
Student Name: Jackline Tibcyna
Place of Residence: Masese Island Slum
Written By: Latif Isabirye, HFC Uganda CTC Instructor
Jackline is 19 years old, born in Masese landing site, which is a few meters away from Jinja city center. She is the third born in the family of 10 children. She stays with her family at Masese landing site, Walukuba Masese division, Jinja municipality. Her home is typical of the Masese slums:
Jackline’s father does fish smoking at the landing site of Masese as his source of income while the mother is a typical house wife.
Jackline started schooling at Masese Lake Site Primary School, which is a free primary education government school in the area, from p.1 – p.7.
She later joined Mother Kevin Senior Secondary School, a nearby catholic school under the school students assistance scheme, a project which was funded by the Italian missionaries, aimed at helping students from poor families. This program supports students up to Form four (s.4) only.
After her Form four, Jackline’s father started supporting her for Form five (s.5) & (s.6) from his small business. Unfortunately he was stopped from work according to the new government laws, governing fishing in Uganda. This made the situation so hard and worse for this poor man to raise school fees for his children as well as feeding, accommodation and health care for his family.
By this time Jackline was in Form six but unfortunately the situation with her father’s business led her to fail to register for her final form six national examinations while the rest of her siblings (including her little sister, below) also stopped going to school too, because of school fees.
When Jackline stopped schooling, she kept in contact with her teachers, and her one teacher knew about Hackers for Charity Computer Training Center and directed Jackline to go there.
In close interview with Jackline, it was discovered that she be could be trained to become a computer expert, opening her chances for a job and other better opportunities.
Because she is passionate about computer training, Jackline came to the Center and started taking computer classes.
After training in computer essentials, Jackline was awarded with a certificate which is her “password” to any computer job in town.
Because of her potential and ability I suggested to Josh and Teo that Jackline could be a good computer instructor. They bought the suggestion and she started volunteering as she gains the skills of teaching computer lessons and as she trains how to use Photoshop and Illustrator.

I am glad to inform you guys that Jackline is a good instructor! She is successful, focused and not stressed like the time she was forced to drop out of school.
Would you consider donating here (using the “Make this donation in honor/memory of someone” to designate Peter or Jackline) or through our GoFundMe page? I’d love to get these guys on board full time so we can empower and enable the next generation of students.
Thank you for considering us and greetings from Uganda!