Hackers? For Charity?
In general, a hacker is “a skilled computer expert that uses their technical knowledge to creatively overcome a problem”. We are hackers (most of us security experts) that use our superpowers to make the world a better place. We highlight projects and acts of service and help flatten the learning curve so you can join us.
Recent Stories
Thank you DEFCON 22!
Wow! We are humbled and blessed by the outpouring of support at DEFCON 22!
Bonface Musilwa installs at Wareng HS Eldoret
Most of you know the continuing story of our friend Zack, who we've been helping spread offline education repositories all over Kenya. Well Zack doesn't have a background in technology and even though he's learning fast, he's needed some tech backing. Enter [...]
Call for volunteers!
First, here is the straight-forward announcement. We are now accepting applications for volunteers! We have availability for remote work and lots of opportunities here on the ground in Uganda. We're also requesting feedback about how we interact with donors and potential volunteers. [...]
Call for volunteers!
We are actively looking for volunteers! Whether you're looking to come to Uganda or work from home, we have something for you!
© Hackers for Charity is a non-profit 501(c)(3) and a DBA under Ascend Inc. (EIN 23-2110102 and DE #5539055)