My long-lost journal.

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I’ve been told I don’t get to the point. The point is, we’re broke. We have stuff, but no cash. Several donors pitched in an we bought all the gear for the AOET schools. Two donors sent laptops that flesh out our training center. Whitewolf’s gear will do wonders in the center and the cafe. Another donor paid for a table full of computers for the cafe and an XBOX 360. Yet another bought furniture for the cafe. Dozens of donors have given to the Long Journey, and as a family, we’re making it. But beyond that we’re flat broke. We’ve got a whopping $7,000 in the account for Kenya but I refuse to use that for anything except Kenya because it came in through Informer and the donor cloud. Besides, Kenya really NEEDS that money. They really stretch every dollar we send them and this month we’re sending much needed relief to the people of Pokot who were suffering an intense drought and are now dying in horrible floods.

I need to open the training center on Lubas. That would generate a little revenue. We’ve paid the rent, we’ve got 30+ laptops and all the network gear but I can’t afford the $1,000 for power regulators, keyboards and tables.

I feel like the cafe was dropped in our lap and seems to be the answer to our financial problems. Every person that sees it is floored and is encouraging, but I can’t afford the first month’s rent, let alone the six months they want in advance. We’re abot to dip into our personal savings account and sell our (last) car back home to fund this venture. That will leave us without any sort of financial safety net should we ever decide to move back to the U.S. but I don’t know what else to do. It’s a big leap of faith, and I’m a big wimp about leaps of faith. Well, except for that packing up and moving the family to Africa thing which has worked out pretty well so far.

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These are interesting times. I’ll keep you all posted.