Construction Articles2015-12-04T02:09:22-05:00

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Steve Jobs

I was stunned to hear of Steve Job's passing last night. I was with my 304Geeks friends enjoying some dinner when the news report came on. I was reminded of Steve's commencement address at Stanford in 2005, which is embedded [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

Long road..

I've been flat for so long, burdened by so many things. The work in Uganda, and life in general has been pretty heavy. I've felt disconnected from myself, sinking, wondering what in the hell I did, what I'm doing in [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

Kampala today

Half day in kampala today for more dentist fun. The evening will be consumed by music night: live sound mixing and recording. A ton going on in Jinja. Our client's server is back up thanks to Sparks, only to get [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

Building Inspiring Spaces

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