What’s new with HFC
Katana Security Distro v1.0
Thanks to Ronin over at http://www.hackfromacave.com for this addition! Katana v1.0 (Kyuzo) is now available for all Informer subscribers. Click here: https://www.ihackedyour.org/?pagename=SumaSubscribe if you'd like to subscribe!
Katana v1.0 (Kyuzo) is a portable multi-boot security suite designed for all your computer security needs. The idea behind this tool is to bring together all of the best security distributions to run from one USB drive. Katana includes distributions which focus on Penetration Testing, Auditing, Password Cracking, Forensics and Honey Pots. Katana comes with over 100 portable Windows applications such as Wireshark, HiJackThis, Unstoppable Copier, and OllyDBG. Also included in this distribution are:
* - Backtrack 4 pre
* - the Ultimate Boot CD
* - Organizational Systems Wireless Auditor (OSWA) Assistiant
* - the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows
* - Got Root? Slax
* - Ophcrack Live
* - Damn Small Linux
* - Damn Vulnerable Linux
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