What’s new with HFC

Katana Security Distro v1.0

Thanks to Ronin over at http://www.hackfromacave.com for this addition! Katana v1.0 (Kyuzo) is now available for all Informer subscribers. Click here: https://www.ihackedyour.org/?pagename=SumaSubscribe if you'd like to subscribe!

Katana v1.0 (Kyuzo) is a portable multi-boot security suite designed for all your computer security needs. The idea behind this tool is to bring together all of the best security distributions to run from one USB drive. Katana includes distributions which focus on Penetration Testing, Auditing, Password Cracking, Forensics and Honey Pots. Katana comes with over 100 portable Windows applications such as Wireshark, HiJackThis, Unstoppable Copier, and OllyDBG. Also included in this distribution are:

* - Backtrack 4 pre
* - the Ultimate Boot CD
* - Organizational Systems Wireless Auditor (OSWA) Assistiant
* - the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows
* - Got Root? Slax
* - Ophcrack Live
* - Damn Small Linux
* - Damn Vulnerable Linux

Here are the mirrors:

WeakNet Linux Assistant 3 Lite

WeakNet Linux Assistant 3 Lite (WNLA) is ready! Thanks to Douglas at WeakNet Labs (http://weaknetlabs.com), it’s available exclusively to Informer subscribers this week. A must-have for anyone interested in Security or Forensics, this CD-sized distro contains all the tools you need to test your skills and excel in the field of INFOSEC. Some of the highlights:

* WNLA 3 is ~600MB (last releases were roughly 1~1.5GB)
* WNLA has many new GUI interfaces for things (helps people make the transition from Win32/64 to Linux)
* WNLA has instant servers including (MySQL, FTP, SSHd, FastTrack-GUI, Metasploit-Web Brick, and more)
* WNLA has it’s own PHP/MySQL Social Networking server that i coded (resembles Facebook) to use in the lab to teach people about web hacking PHP/MySQL and SQL injection.
* WNLA has new looks including Grub splash, Usplash, GDm and more.
* WNLA includes WardriveSQL GUI and Webserver that i coded (http://wardriveSQL.info).
* WNLA includes GUI interface to WiFiZoo that i coded (which is to be added into the next build/website, under 3rd party additions)
* WNLA uses fully customized/customizable FluxBox instead of bloated Gnome and less-bloated (but amazing) Enlightenment.
Links available to paid subscribers of Informer only. Click here to subscribe. It’s only $54 a year, and the proceeds go directly to HFC projects such as our food program in Kenya (http://hackersforcharity.org/food-program) and our Classroom project in East Africa (http://hackersforcharity.org/classrooms).

Here’s the links….

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