What’s new with HFC
Airdrop-ng Release
After a bit of a rocky release talk at shmoocon 2010 I am proud to announce the release of airdrop-ng a rule based wireless deauth tool. Thank you for the patience in awaiting the download link. Questions or bugs can be reported to my nick at gmail.com. -TheX1le Download link:
On the road
This week has been a whirlwind. I've been working really [...]
Random thanks and photos
A while back, I put out a plea for video [...]
Cleaning day
Man, I tell you what. I'm tired. Completely exhausted, and [...]
Random pictures
The fam at Bujagali Falls. They're in awe of the [...]
My long-lost journal. I've been told I don't [...]
A gift. Our new Internet Cafe.
A couple of weeks ago, I posted about the cafe [...]