Hackers? For Charity?
In general, a hacker is “a skilled computer expert that uses their technical knowledge to creatively overcome a problem”. We are hackers (most of us security experts) that use our superpowers to make the world a better place. We highlight projects and acts of service and help flatten the learning curve so you can join us.
Recent Stories
The Secret of The Hackerspace Safe
Our hackerspace in Uganda had a massive locked safe inside. This is the epic tale of the Secret of the Hackerspace Safe. Lock picking and hacking and all sorts of bypass fun to uncover .. well, you'll just have to watch.
Video: HFC Hackerspace Move-in week
It's taken YEARS to get to this point, but we're finally moving in!
Hacker Heatstroke .. Avoided
Thanks to the hacker community, our hackerspace construction is underway again! (Video)
© Hackers for Charity is a non-profit 501(c)(3) and a DBA under Ascend Inc. (EIN 23-2110102 and DE #5539055)