Hackers for Charity is a non-profit organization that leverages the skills of technologists. We solve technology challenges for various non-profits and provide food, equipment, job training and computer education to the world’s poorest citizens.

Our Mission

Picking on charities is just plain rude. Thankfully, that’s not what we’re about. We’re about proving that hackers have amazing skills that can transform charitable organizations.

We’re about stepping into the gap to feed and educate the world’s most vulnerable citizens.

We are virtual, geographically diverse and different.

We are Hackers for Charity

What is Hackers For Charity (HFC)?

Read an overview of our history and what we’re about.

What has HFC done?

Read about our various projects.

How can I help?

Read about the various ways you can get involved.

Johnny’s Blog from Uganda

Keep up with Johnny and family as they support HFC full-time in Uganda

Got skills? Got gear? Need free help for your charity? Join the volunteer network!

The Volunteer Network allows donors with gear and tech-savvy volunteers with spare time to help charities in need.. Wherever they are in the world.