Well, for a month.

See the PDF.

We’re here to visit family and friends. I’m here to download on my friend’s FIOS (training material, ISOs, applications. I’ll be downloading ALL MONTH!! =). We’re also hoping to buy some gear for the training center (see below) and the cafe (espresso machines, commercial blenders, such like that).

Here are the things I’m hoping to have donated. If we don’t get all of this, we’ll try to buy it, but our budget is so darned small. If you have any of this, please let me know (johnny -at- hackersforcharity.org) and I’ll shoot you the address:

Kensington locks for locking laptops and monitors In Cafe and center. We need fifty or more!
Apple keyboards mice monitors or Mac mini (a guy can dream!) for training on Macs in training center
Video cards – decent cards for gaming in cafe and graphics training in center (your upgrade trail is perfect!)
Memory – DDR/DDR2
A/V switches for multiple consoles on one TV (gaming in cafe)
Dvi -> Vga adapters for multi-headed systems in training center

PC Gaming titles (whatever is currently cool, online or otherwise) for tourists in cafe

Consoles gear for tousists @ cafe
Xbox / Xbox 360 / Wii / Playstation:
Software (send lots… Anything!)
Power supplies (110 or 220 ok)

I’ll update this list as I remember things. Thanks everyone!