This Thanksgiving was bittersweet for us. We miss our family and friends back home, but we really love our new friends the Palmers. They have kids the same age as our kids, and we’ve really hit it off with them. The downside is that they’re suddenly moving back to the U.S. at the end of this week. We’ve been spending a lot of time there helping them pack and sell all their stuff. This is also bittersweet because we’re moving into their place, but we’ll miss them so much. We joined them for an amazing Thanksgiving feast, in 100% American style.

Mary is simply an amazing cook! She prepared all the recipes, and even "took care of" the turkey from start to "finish".. I'm trying not to be too graphic. =)

Mary is simply an amazing cook! She prepared all the recipes, and even “took care of” the turkey from start to “finish”.. I’m trying not to be too graphic. =)

Transporting the meal to the Palmer's place was interesting. We got some looks when we passed through town.

Transporting the meal to the Palmer’s place was interesting. We got some looks when we passed through town.

The whole spread lined up...

The whole spread lined up…

Our kids and the Palmer's kids digging into the buffet!

Our kids and the Palmer’s kids digging into the buffet!

What a spread! This mean was simply amazing! It remonded us of home so much. Here we see the whole meal: turkey, stuffing, stringbean casserole, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potato casserole cranberry sauce and rolls. This kind of meal is so American, but most of the ingredients were very easy to find, with the exception of the cranberry sauce. We miss our family and friends back home, but this meal with our new friends was such a blessing. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

What a spread! This meal was simply amazing! It reminded us of home so much. Here we see the whole meal: turkey, stuffing, stringbean casserole, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potato casserole cranberry sauce and rolls. This kind of meal is so American, but most of the ingredients were very easy to find, with the exception of the cranberry sauce. We miss our family and friends back home, but this meal with our new friends was such a blessing. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!