I really have to try to get these updates on the actual day they happen. But at least I have an excuse for yesterday-we had no power. After a terrific storm with hurricane-strength winds, black clouds and not a drop of rain, the power flickered and then died. Everyone else had power back within ten minutes, but not us. The crappy power is becoming more and more of a nuisance. On the other hand, there’s something kinda nice about candlelight and peace and quiet .. until the mosquitoes come out and the sinus-scorching mosquito coils start burning.
The storm did drop the temperature nicely for a few hours, so that was nice.
Anyhow, today I worked on two hard drive recoveries, one for LightGivesHeat (which failed because of the click of death) and one for Busoga Trust Bank (which succeeded despite the rampant viruses). I also did some software installs for Ekisa. I worked with Emma (our HFC Uganda web-guy-in-training) to get him rolling with XAMPP and Joomla on his laptop as he prepares to put together a social networking / CMS site together for a local paper-based teen magazine.
I also cleaned my desk, a task that takes an hour every couple of days because I just don’t clean up after each job.
On a personal note, I started two new books, which is just suicidal because I read at the speed of a salted slug.
Took me a while to locate this but: Their code will be beautiful, even if their desks are buried in 3 feet of crap. Reference: http://catb.org/esr/jargon/html/personality.html
This is a great read. Thanks for posting it. I’m astonished to find all these apply too:
– stimulated by and appreciative of novelty
– relatively individualistic
– anti-conformist
– don’t like tedium … or most of the fussy, boring, ill-defined little tasks that go with maintaining a normal existence
– desks are buried in 3 feet of crap
– only very weakly motivated by … social approval or money
attracted by challenges
Of course, the social approval thing does vaguely matter to me, perhaps too much so..
You should read that whole appendix, it could give you some insight into yourself, and perhaps others. At least it should give you a laugh. Main page can be found by pressing up, or going here: http://catb.org/esr/jargon/html/appendixb.html
According to the section on Religion we’re “rare though not unknown.”