(on a personal note..)
11/11/11 .. Happy (150%?) Pepero day ..

The power has been out for way too long. I haven’t had a good stretch of power for a week, so I’m getting nothing done. The email is piling up, projects are slipping. I spent some time reading a few books and taking care of some odds and ends. I finished the Jobs biography, and found it to be a great read. I see a lot of Steve Jobs in me. I don’t mean that egotistically .. I’m not a genius or anything. I just mean that between his emotional extremes, laser focus and my too-often problem of not being able to put myself in other people’s shoes. Overall, I have a lot of respect for Steve, but moreso for the other players in the story, specifically Bill Gates for his philanthropic insistances and Woz for his heart, passion and principles. I found Woz’s story to be particularly fascinating and through the brief glimpses I had of him, I find that I relate to his philosophies in a lot of ways.

I’m engergized to DO SOMETHING with my life, make a difference, leave a legacy but I keep getting mired down by so many things. It’s a strange time. In a way, I’m almost happy we’re without power. It’s giving me time to think about what my life’s priorities are ..