The day had a good start. I got in a run to the gym and was greeted with a nice sunrise. However, the morning crept away from me as errands and side trips consumed a few hours. After breakfast, I visited the leather workshop and found a few nice treasures waiting for me. The girls had made some nice journals, and Johnson made a really nice mug and tumbler. Their skills are really improving. I also met Algetta, one of our staff working out in the village making paper for the journals. She brought in a batch of finished paper and I realized I didn’t have a single shilling on me, which meant a trip to the bank.

On my way out the gate, Jen asked me what we were doing about a dog cage.  Our female German shepherd is preggers again, ready to have puppies any day but since we moved we lost our outdoor pen. Now the scramble’s on to build another one. She saw a cool one at our friend Bobby’s house, so that meant a trip to his house to see the design and find out who build it. I returned an hour later, after greeting some visitors at Bobby’s (who’s son found a “big spider” which was small by our standards), finding out about the cage, greeting his shamba (who used to work for us and is now one of our computer students) and stopping at the bank.

I spent a few more hours working with Vito, mostly consolidating code to make it more efficient, pulling JavaScript into consolidated libraries, etc. I’m now a big fan of Sublime. I’ve been a fan of old school editors for a long time, and can throw down in vi. I still love vi and will continue to use it, especially for regex and certain types of edits but I’m loving the speed and flexibility of Sublime.

For some strange reason I decided to take apart one of my prized possessions today: my Leatherman Skeletool. It needed cleaning and sharpening. What a mistake. It was so hard to get back together and somehow I lost one of the screws. It still works and looks ok, but in my heart I felt like I injured my BFF.

The MiGs were flying around again today. Such a strange thing.. so surreal. I took a video. In other odd news, I found some of our guys crouched down staring into a bush when I came home. I had to ask them what they were up to, since not only did it look strange but one of the guys was our guard. They explained that there was an enormous caterpillar that they had been trying to find for a “while”. This is pretty funny to me because so many Ugandans are flat-out TERRIFIED of caterpillars because, “they’re all so poisonous”. So I joked with the guys that, “That beast was probably so big it rides a motorcycle”. They laughed, nervously. Then I saw the turds on the ground. They looked like rabbit turds. Before I could ask the question, they told me somberly, “Those are the caterpillar poops.”

Holy crap. Not I’m worried. The photo shows the “Caterpillar Poops” next to a coin the size of a quarter.

Oh crap.

MiG Video (IMG_5619)