My website has seen a lot of evolutions. For many years, was all about me. The GHDB took the center stage for a lot of years (I’d like to see it updated but I haven’t had any serious offers to help upgrade it), and finally we saw the merge between Hackers For Charity and “”. This mirrors my own journey. But HFC’s beginning to outgrow me. We have hundreds of volunteers all over the world that we’re constantly trying to plug in (we need ideas there), we have 10+ employees and volunteers on the ground in Uganda, and we’re starting to create international HFC branches all over the world (we’re talking with Brazil and Colombia right now for starters).

I’ve tried to cram as much as possible into the current web site, but the result is a bit disjointed. To figure out what we’re about, a visitor need only read the front page blurbs. But once they decide to dig in, there’s only a tangle of disjointed WordPress Pages and Posts to navigate. The result is distinctly blog-ish, and it doesn’t really showcase the work we’re doing.

It had been suggested by members of our board (thanks, Rob!) that we consider country-based web presences. With all we’re doing in Africa, HFC-Uganda was a natural first choice.


I wanted to create a presence that would showcase the work to potential investors outside our community, some of whom may be put off by the word “hacker” in our name. I’m not about to sell us out or change who we are but the simple fact is that it’s better for an investor to see our name AFTER seeing our work.

What’s next?

I don’t know exactly. will remain our main presence as it has the page rank. It will continue to host my blog. But eventually, our projects will have their own presences. The US presence is next on the list once we get our brain wrapped around what exactly we’re doing in the US and who will run it. (Use the Contact form if you have suggestions). Until then, take a look at I’d love to know what you think. And if you want to make fun of it’s flashiness, go ahead. I’ve never been accused of being a good web designer. =)