Back in the US… We’re still adjusting.

  • Chick-Fil-A. Chick-Fil-A. We really missed this place. It’s just so.. wholesome and chickeny, and.. awesome.
  • Red Robin. The fries, the burgers, the greasy goodness. We also got a menu from this place because their menus are amazing. We want the menus in the cafe to be slick. Too many restaurants in Uganda give you a black-and white Xeroxed page with lists of dishes, but no descriptions, no pictures, nothing. Ours will be different.
  • I drove on the wrong side of the road when I left our driveway. It only happened once. But it was enough to make my wife nervous. I played it off pretty well though. OK, not really.
  • agreed to partner with us, and the last time we talked they agreed to toss some training DVD’s our way. I’m hoping they will up the ante. Their coursework could change lives in Africa. Check out their site here. Hey,! Help us help train those that have lost hope. Computer skills can lift some of the world’s most desperate citizens break the cycle of poverty. Computer skills = jobs.
  • GoodWill, Salvation Army.. thrift stores! Our new favorite place to hang out! We found quite a few nice things for the cafe (cooking utensils, kitchen items, etc)… things that are really expensive to buy in Uganda.
  • We spent the weekend with Tim Rosenberg and his family, Dwight Hobbs and Seth Fogie. The Whitewolf crew has been one of our biggest supporters as an organization, but it’s so much more than that now. These guys are friends and a part of our family. It was good to spend time with them. Plus, we got a MASSIVE pile of geek gadgets for our work in Uganda. They offered so much that we had to leave some of it behind.
  • I.. am… freezing.

Tim and I

Tim's Amazing Rainbow Pancakes