It’s still strange to be back. Highlights:

  • Hot dogs, Cheeseburgers. Real cheese. Amazing. Made me sick as a dog.
  • Grilled cheese. Real Cheese. Amazing.
  • Lost the power cord for my Mac charger. First instinct was not to go to the Mac store but rather to go to the thrift store. Score. Cost $1. Thrift store is our new favorite hangout. That’s full circle for me. I used to love trolling for classic video games at those places. Now we go for clothes and electronics.
  • Jen and Makenna got (several) of their hair(s) cut. First hair cut in 9 months.
  • I am downloading like crazy. Mostly course content. But now, I’m feeling guilty about that. Jen says it’s the still small voice. I can’t go into details right now, but I will soon.
  • Dr. Pepper. Lots of Dr. Pepper.
  • Our last suitcase finally arrived. We all get to change clothes. You would think that with six of us traveling and only five bags, they would be able to keep track of them all.