When we receive shipments, they’re anything but mundane. These shipments are the lifeblood of our work here.
It doesn’t look like much, but it’s 150lbs of geek goodness. Chris Duke at Navis shipping (www.gonavis.com) came through again, sending us this shipment without asking for a single penny from us. I don’t know what we’d do without him! Let’s take a look inside…
Jim Manley (TXB) convinced Sun to donate keyboards and mice for the Sparc’s at Peter’s Primary. They’ve had Suns sitting there unused for who knows how long all because they were lacking keyboards and mice.
When Tim and Dwight came over in August, they really had a great time mapping everywhere they went. But when Tim left with his fancy Blackberry, the GPS goodness vanished. I tried my iPhone only to discover it wasn’t a "real" GPS. So Tim sent this puppy over and lookie thar! All them satellites be trackin! Now I gots to put mahself in sum sceery far-off place and geotag muhself.
Dean sent over 50 P4 laptops this year but he could only scare up 20 or so power supplies. Well, he scrounged aroud and found 18 more power supplies! Those power supplies and those laptops are headed right into our Internet cafe / training center!
Whitewolf is kickin’ butt and taking names for HFC! Tim sent this monster stack of books for our training center. We’re going to have a real library! This will make a huge difference, and if gear like this keeps coming in, we’re going to be a huge draw not only for the disadvantaged that coldn’t normally afford training, but for the colleges and other advanced education facilities. From what I hear, most college ICT graduates never even touch a computer before graduation. Our center will kick theirs in the butt. In the best possible thank-you-headmaster-for-the-money-for-charity kind of way.
The rest of Tim’s goodies from this package. An SOG knife (that went right on loan to Joseph, our guard who is now gun-less and working for use directly) and a VERY cool DELL solar charger. This thing will charge just about anything without relying on our oh-so-spotty power.
Out of curiousity, why does your guard not currently have a firearm?