Morocco was amazing. And painful. I was pretty much sick the entire time (sinus infection, kidney stones I think, etc). But man oh man I missed Uganda. I have so much catching up to do.
It rained today. Like that dumping bucket kind of rain. The water here was so deep it covered the tires of the car in front of us. It didn’t cover the tires of our big cool truck though. =)
I did check to make sure I wasn’t going to drench anyone before I nailed this puddle. I was much more polite than that guy in Vegas that time that nearly drowned Jason and I. That was the Worst. DEFCON. Ever.
As we turned into our road, we saw one of our (distant) neighbors stuck. We of course stopped and pulled them out. Fred led the charge, and I worked the drivers seat. I felt really lazy, but I was the driver. In the end it only cost us a bent brush guard.
Jen and Makenna decided to walk home. That was during a break in the rain. They made it halfway home before it started dumping on them. We finished pulling out the neighbor and I hauled home to try to rescue the girls. As I turned the corner, I saw them in the distance and gunned it. I nailed one puddle that covered the windshield for three full swipes of the wipers. By the time we found them, they were drenched.
It was a fun day. Even for Jen and Makenna.
Welcome home!
“Here’s to the men who do an honest hard day’s work”
I can’t make out the label on that bottle…a little help?