The last of thousands of Afghan refugees who awaited resettlement at eight U.S. military installations departed Saturday from a base in New Jersey, completing a journey that started with the chaotic evacuation from Kabul in August.
“Successful resettlement and integration won’t happen in just a matter of days or weeks,” she said. “Our new Afghan neighbors are going to need our support and friendship for months and years to come because the challenges they face won’t disappear overnight.”
Associated Press
A new start
We live in the United States…a nation of opportunity. We respect and love our fellow humans. While our world rolls from one crisis to another, we must not forget these humans who landed in our country and need our help.

You can help!
Many families left with barely the clothes on their back. Given our partnership with other charities and ministries, we are focused on technology solutions:
- Our current identified need is for 20 laptops (includes one mouse and protective case). Click here to donate via Amazon Smile and ship the actual donated equipment to one of our team members who will hand deliver them to the refugee families.
- If you would rather give a cash donation, use our PayPal link.
Partner Organizations
International Rescue Committee
Luminus – Network for New Americans
Lutheran Immigrant Refugee Service
Hope For All (an HFC supported non-profit)
Love Anne Arundel
Background and media
Baltimore CBS Local – Multiple Articles
Washington Post – Stuck without housing, Afghan evacuees languish inside D.C.-area hotel rooms
CAIRtv – CAIR Maryland Director Says Afghan Refugees Being Relocated to Unsafe Neighborhoods
ABC News – Six months of Taliban: Afghans safer, poorer, less hopeful
Human Rights Watch – What’s Next for Afghans Fleeing the Taliban?