Construction Articles2015-12-04T02:09:22-05:00

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RACHEL, CAP and Security Awareness Training in Louisville

We had the honor and the privilege to serve the clients and Staff of Hotel Louisville this year. We provided RACHEL CAPs and training as well basic IT skills and security awareness training. This year our focus was on the [...]

Great photos from the ground in Puerto Rico!

Some great photos of your donations at work. We're so thrilled that together we've been able to provide power and communications support while the "big" organizations are working their way onto Puerto Rico. Thanks for your support! We're making progress! [...]

By |Disaster Relief, Puerto Rico|

Touchdown of our first flown shipment to Puerto Rico!

The bird has landed! We are so thrilled. Thanks to your support, and that of countless members of the community, our first shared cargo shipment has touched down on a plane funded by "an international Puerto Rican bank" who wishes [...]

By |Disaster Relief, Puerto Rico|

Building Inspiring Spaces

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