Construction Articles2015-12-04T02:09:22-05:00

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Tue Nov 1

Full day yesterday. I spent about six hours unsuccessfully trying to restore Internet at The Keep. It will consume more time again today. In the process I nuked our intranet site and our wifi landing page so I had to [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

Hotmail haxors

Worked with an American ex-pat professor that's working and living here in Jinja last week. He was terrified about the fact that his hotmail account had been hacked and all these messages were being generated from his email account. I [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

Sad news from Jinja

This came as a shock when we heard the news this morning. We were not immediately familiar with the names of the victims, but they may have been customers at The Keep or the training center. Either way, we are [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

Web help needed..

I wonder if anyone out there can help us. We need to host some charity web sites that are being built here in Uganda. Does anyone have hosting they could donate? We don't need tons of space or bandwidth, but [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

Building Inspiring Spaces

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