Construction Articles2015-12-04T02:09:22-05:00

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Nov 11 ..

(on a personal note..) 11/11/11 .. Happy (150%?) Pepero day .. The power has been out for way too long. I haven't had a good stretch of power for a week, so I'm getting nothing done. The email is piling [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

Nov 5 2011

I'm not a frequent Facebook, Twitter or G+ user. It seems I'm too much an 80's kid to be down with anything much more social than blogging and email. Even that seems to be a bit much because I went [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

Nov 4 2011

Day three without power at the house. That means no shower (no water pump) and no hot water (no hot water heater). Splash baths with cold water just leave me feeling greasy and disgusting. Yuck. This also means that there's [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

Nov 2 2011

I really have to try to get these updates on the actual day they happen. But at least I have an excuse for yesterday-we had no power. After a terrific storm with hurricane-strength winds, black clouds and not a drop [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

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