Construction Articles2015-12-04T02:09:22-05:00

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Thieves again!?

Another employee caught stealing cash and subsequently jailed. This one was on probation for dishonesty and suspected theft. And yes, we do have protections in place but insiders are constantly working creative angles to commit crimes. Each incident is a [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

Bitter Butterfly Wings

Our most recent thief is out on bond and presumably headed to the village to get the money by selling his family's land. Meanwhile the police are processing the file in preparation for taking him to court. They have far [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

Robbed Again

Sorry it's been so long since I've written but I landed in Uganda and was thrown into the blender almost immediately and once again we've been taken advantage of. It seems one of our most trusted employees stole from us. [...]

By |Hackers For Charity|

Building Inspiring Spaces

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