Construction Articles2015-12-04T02:09:22-05:00

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First class for former Ugandan homeless (“street”) girls

We’re proud to announce our first robotics course designed especially for Ugandan girls! In this class, we brought in former homeless (“street”) girls from Mirembe Cottage for Street Girls (http://www.sonriseministriesinc.org/mirembecottage). We worked alongside Sarah and Michelle from http://www.justcausecanada.org. The class [...]

Outernet, LittleBits, Farmers, RasPi, Pains of Fast Internet- All the things

It’s been a crazy couple of days. I can hardly keep up. Sorry in advance that this post is so scatterbrained. First, we have a new line on Internet service. It’s not public so I can’t talk too much about [...]

High-contrast, high-tech: Uganda’s first Outernet node!

We have some pretty wickedly cool things going on in Uganda right now, and I managed to capture the essence of it with photos. The small dish on the left hand side is our UTL nano bridge for our Internet. [...]

Building Inspiring Spaces

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