“I am Muwanguzi Peter aged 25 and I live in the village of Masese III. I did my A Level after I failed to continue to my studies up to university. I met a group of young people coming from Hackers For Charity who had come to my village giving out chances for the people who wanted to study computer.
I got an interest and I registered with them the following day. I started studying computer for free at the Computer Training Center. After studying for four months in the applications I was given and was given an option to study an advanced package. I chose to do Photoshop and Illustrator.
Now my life has changed. I am working at Cent Photo Studios as a graphic designer and photo editor. This has helped me a lot, not only to take care of my needs but also to pay school fees for my young siblings.
Thanks goes out to Hackers For Charity for giving me such a chance. Thank you so much. May God bless you.”
Peter Returns to the CTC
Although Peter had a great job, which he enjoyed, he returned to the CTC in his off hours and started volunteering as an instructor. It turned out he loved teaching and had a real knack for technology. In total, Peter has been volunteering his time at the CTC for almost eight months now.
The Bad News
Cent Studio went out of business and as a result, Peter lost his job. He is continuing to volunteer at the CTC, but we want to bring him on full time. Peter has already proven himself and we know he will do a terrific job, but since donations are somewhat sporadic, we are attempting to raise some salary money in advance so that Peter can concentrate on doing what he loves. We are asking for $600 to help build a salary pool for Peter.
Let’s get Peter doing what he loves!
Would you consider donating here (using the “Make this donation in honor/memory of someone” to designate Peter or Jackline) or through our GoFundMe page? I’d love to get these guys on board full time so we can empower and enable the next generation of students.