What’s new with HFC
Greetings from Uganda!
We're here! It's been a wild ride. I decided I'd [...]
Acer. Empowering People.
After all the discussion about what machines we should use [...]
HFC Sighting!
The Raytheon SI group was kind enough to have me [...]
Big Fix Podcast
Amrit Williams, CTO of BigFix, Inc. speaks with Johnny Long, [...]
BackTrack 4 Pre Final
Thanks to the amazing generosity and heart of the group at Offensive Security, I'm proud to announce that all Informer subscribers have exclusive access to the BackTrack 4 pre-final, at least a week before the rest of the Internet Suhweeet!!! Here's what you're waiting for...Ready... set... here's the links:
WNLA and Weaknet Labs Fundraiser!
Our friends over at WeakNet Labs have announced a very [...]
Just hold on.
We were in Jinja Uganda as a family on Easter [...]
Your Journey Begins Here…
We're really familiar with the trek to the local Christian [...]
Stupid math.
Update: Although we didn't find out until days later, on [...]