What’s new with HFC
October 25: What is an oddball day?
Is there any such thing?
What’s new with HFC
Is there any such thing?
This time, the Keep is the target of thieves.
Lots of updates about the hardware and software components of our educational package.
The ReadySet is a cool solar charger. Sam found us one in Uganda, so we've unpacked it and are testing it out.
Some days, I feel like I accomplish nothing. But how do relationships measure on the accomplishment scale?
The Sterns are IT training pioneers in Uganda. It was cool wowing them with our educational setup. Now they want to carry the torch higher than we ever could.
It's been a busy month.. off. Family comes first. Conference and travel news.
These posts are always a day behind, so this one [...]
I spent some time getting caught up from being away. [...]
I guess I should be used to this, but I'm [...]