Screen Shot 2013-04-29 at 1.41.50 PMAnother weekend day found me working again. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re really anxious to get this application launched. It’s really going to help so many people and it’s been languishing for far too long. So, another 10 hour run with Vito slinging code. Well, to be honest, he’s slinging. I’m the monkey with all the menial .. I mean intensely important detail-oriented work. But the net result is that things are really moving along. Today we spent a lot of time on the sidebar menus. They’re gorgeous and smooth as glass, but they were too nested. We moved lots of important things to the top level, and will add notifications to the headers so you can see at a glance what’s new. I’m looking forward to this coming together.

Here’s a few photos of some things we drooled over in the supermarket. Odd stuff, but so precious and foreign. Real Vlasic relish! Can you believe it? Now we need good hot dogs.. and rolls. And how about that tuna!?! Bumble Bee tune in Water FTW!!! And the icing? Evil. Pure, sugary evil. Divide the prices by 2580 to get the US dollar equivalent. Ouch. Ok. We don’t need any of that stuff.





