I’m not a frequent Facebook, Twitter or G+ user. It seems I’m too much an 80’s kid to be down with anything much more social than blogging and email. Even that seems to be a bit much because I went an entire year not noticing I had comments on my blog. (My apologies to those stuck in the queue. It wasn’t personal.)

When I moved to Uganda and rolled johnny.ihackstuff.com to point to hackersforcharity.org I lost my personal blog. I tried posting personal stuff on here, but after the first year, it didn’t feel right. I felt like I should be posting more business-related stuff, especially since I was funded by donors.

I thought of using my Facebook or Twitter accounts for their intended purposes (personal minutia) but too many people were following them to get HFC updates, since I cross-posted there.

I thought about the idea of using another blog, but then I couldn’t figure out who would care, or where it should go, or what it would really be about and then it struck me that at least right now my life is inexplicably intertwined with HFC, so I might as well just post personal stuff here inline with work stuff. So, until I figure out how to separate my “existances” I guees I’ll just use a disclaimer when I post so people who don’t care can just skip my junk. Something like…

(On a personal note):

A few days off (thanks to no power) and I woke up prepared to get back to work. I should have known better when the power started flickering.

But that wasn’t the real sideliner: turns out one of our new German Shepherd puppies died in the night. This turned into a bunch of frantic calls to the vet, and several back-and-forth runs to the pharmacy for the other puppies who are anemic and losing weight because the mother isn’t producing milk for some reason. It’s been a long morning and now it’s already lunchtime and it appears the Internet won’t be cooperating, so I thought of just eating lunch and calling it a morning.

Then a second puppy went lethargic and a few hours later was forcing his last breaths. It was the saddest thing I’ve seen in a long time. There was nothing we could do. No, it’s 4:30 and I’m just too exhausted to do anything else but eat and chill for a bit. More later.