We’re back, safe and sound. I really thought the trip would be sketchier.. I don’t know what I expected exactly, but overall it was a really good trip.

We had a chance to visit some of the farms we’ve started through the food for work program. We slept at the AOET Kenya guesthouse. We went to Lake Nakuru and had our first official safari.

And I was reminded of a few important things. First, even though we live in Uganda, we live a good life. The guesthouse in Kenya reminded us of that. We enjoy running water, decent power, and comfortable beds. Second, we live on an amazing planet. The Giraffes at Lake Nakuru reminded me of that.

I’ll write more later, but for now it’s hello and goodbye for a while. I’m headed to Jordan for a teaching gig. It’s one of those “time to pay the bills” things. As always, I’m anxious, and hoping the time flies by. I can’t wait to get back to work in Uganda, and as always, I’m going to miss my family like crazy.